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Writer's pictureDarci Lang

Grow your Gratitude (August 2024)

Updated: Aug 20

Gratitude makes us kind photo - hand holding grapes - Darci Lang

2024 Theme Check-in

While I was on my summer break, I took a moment to reflect on how I was doing with my theme for this year. In January, I pledged, “I am ready to grow in all areas of my life.” So, I took some time to reflect and would like to share an update on gratitude. 

I watched the Heal with Kelly Podcast episode ( hosted by Kelly Noonan Gores), in which she interviews healer Rob Wergin. He reminded me, again, of the importance of gratitude. 

It is so easy to be grateful when things are going well. I spend many times a day looking around and feeling grateful for my life. I can find dozens of things a day that are 90%s for me. I purposefully, intentionally look for the good: my country, my home, my marriage, my health, my relationships, and my pets. 

But… what about when things are not good? That was Rob's challenge, and my goal was to grow in those 10% times.  Can you be grateful for all of it, even the 10%s?  That I can have a hard time with. The small 10% daily challenges, sure, but the really difficult ones… not so much.  Can I be grateful for difficult family situations, a health scare or the terrible sad things happening to people I love? No, not yet. I can't. But I can certainly be grateful for what I CAN control in and amongst it all.  That helps me not to get sucked into feeling terrible. Over the next few months, I will continue to try and grow in finding gratitude in my 10% times.

So, as we enjoy August, can we look at the 90%s and be so grateful, but then look at what isn’t going well in our lives? Can we be fully present in the moment and focus on what we do have control over? Take some time this summer to reflect on your theme for 2024, and celebrate your successes.

In Gratitude,

Darci Signature

Darci Lang

It's never too late! If you need a reminder of how to set a theme for yourself, or haven't settled on one yet, here is the link to my video. Let's grow!!!

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