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Writer's pictureDarci Lang

Serve Others, Help Them Grow (September 2024)

Serve Others, Help them grow - Darci Lang Booster

I hope you had a wonderful summer. Mine was full of 90%s. Lots of early morning walks grounding in nature with my beloved dog Holly -  who was very happy I was home all summer. Slow days in the yard were balanced with family and friends' parties. Throw in a couple of stressful situations, but I kept perspective; it was 90% great. I am feeling very blessed. There were lots of growth opportunities.  

I also read—a lot. In one of my favourite books, Life Loves You, by Robert Holden and Louise Hay, Louise posed a great question: How friendly am I?  She wrote, “At the deepest level, our purpose in life is to be a loving mirror to the world. Our goal is not just to let life love us but also to love life back. We are here to love the world. If each of us did this just a little bit more, the world would not be such a fearful place.” Agreed Louise, agreed. Let’s unwrap this thought together.

How friendly am I?  Ask yourself this question. If you don’t think “friendly” is important or realistic, I ask… Why? Who taught you that? The world could use some friendly right now. I am shocked by how many public places now have signs that say, “abuse, violence and discrimination will not be tolerated.” What? Is this behaviour so common that we must warn unfriendly people not to act this way? This needs to change. They need to change. 

Our purpose in life is to be a loving mirror. Pick up the magnifying glass you hold out in front of you and first ask how you see yourself. Despite your belief systems around self-love are you willing to be a loving mirror?  Would you rather live with, work with and be in a community with someone working on or ignoring their problems? It is the worst being around people who don’t love themselves and don’t care how their behaviour affects those around them.     

Love life back. That is hard to do when we don’t feel that life loves you. Start there. Pick up one thing that is not working in your life and start. Life can be hard, but start healing one thing at a time so you can love life again.   

In friendship and growth,


Darci Lang Signature

Lead the 90% Book - Darci Lang

In Lead the 90% Kind Leadership, we unwrap how leading through kindness is the foundation for serving others.

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